Julin N. Maloof
By then end of the last lab you should have mapped Illumina reads to the B. rapa genomic reference.
Our goals today are to:
Col | Field | Type | Brief Description |
1 | QNAME | String | Query template NAME |
2 | FLAG | Int | bitwise FLAG |
3 | RNAME | String | References sequence NAME |
4 | POS | Int | 1- based leftmost mapping POSition |
5 | MAPQ | Int | MAPing Quality |
6 | CIGAR | String | CIGAR String |
7 | RNEXT | String | Ref. name of the mate/next read |
8 | PNEXT | Int | Position of the mate/next read |
9 | TLEN | Int | observed Template LENgth |
10 | SEQ | String | segment SEQuence |
11 | QUAL | String | ASCII of Phred-scaled base QUALity+33 |
Let's take a look at one…
code | descrtiption |
M | alignment match |
I | insertion to the reference |
D | deletion from the reference |
N | skipped region from the reference |
X | sequence mismatch |
Bit | Description | |
1 | 0x1 | template having multiple fragments |
2 | 0x2 | proper alignment |
4 | 0x4 | fragment unmapped |
8 | 0x8 | next fragment in the template unmapped |
16 | 0x10 | SEQ being reverse complemented |
32 | 0x20 | SEQ of the next fragment in the template being reverse complemented |
64 | 0x40 | the first fragment in the template |
128 | 0x80 | the last fragment in the template |
256 | 0x100 | secondary alignment |
512 | 0x200 | not passing filters |
1024 | 0x400 | PCR or optical duplicate |
Not all reads map to the reference. Why might a read not map to the reference?
Discuss for 2-3 minutes. Try to answer the question.
The integrated genomics viewer allows us to visualize the results of our read mapping.
Let's take a look…
Discuss in groups:
If you were designing a SNP caller, what are important criteria for calling SNPs?
What might cause an erroneous call?
Variant Call Format files are the output from the SNP caller and provide information about each possible SNP.
You will see these as you work through the lab. I can go over these files in dicussion tomorrow.