Course Info

BIS180L – Genomics Laboratory Spring 2024 (archive)

Lecture: Pre-recorded (mostly)
Lab: TR 1:10-5:00 PM 2216 TLC
Discussion: F 1:10-2:00 PM 2216 TLC

Instructor: Julin Maloof
Teaching Assistant: Matt Davis

TA Office Hours:
Tuesday 11:00 - 12:00 Robbins Hall 289
Wednesday 9:00 - 10:00 Robbins Hall 140
Maloof Office Hours:
By appointment

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course you should be able to:


Lab Assignments

There will be lab assignments due every week or two.

Lab assignments will consist of questions that you answer as you work through the lab material. They may consist of combinations of short answers, code segments, figures, and other data analysis.

Lab assignments will be turned via GitHub. You will learn how to do this before the first due date.

About This Class

Recent technological advances in the field of genomics over the last dozen years have revolutionized many aspects of biological research. To be a successful biologist today it is often critical to have the skills required to analyze large genomics data sets. Most analyses of this type are done using command-line tools in the Linux/Unix environment, using scripting languages like Python or Perl, and in the statistical programming language R. While it is not possible for us to cover all of these areas in depth in a single quarter, we will give you hands-on experience with a variety of analysis methods and tools that will serve as a foundation on which you can build.

On Plagiarism

You will often work with a lab partner as you do the lab exercises. However you must each write your own answers for worksheets and lab reports. In addition, while the web is a powerful resource for information it is plagiarism and a SJA violation to cut and paste information directly from web sources without indicating that you are quoting and providing a citation.

General Course Advice

Learning is not a passive activity learning requires much time and active effort. To do well in this course you should do the problems yourself and ask questions.. Most people need to be exposed to information several times before they learn it. Reading the text, attending and participating lecture & discussion, and doing the problems is the best way to do well in this course. The lectures, office hours, Piazza, and discussion sections are there to provide you with an opportunity to ask questions. It is your responsibility to take advantage of these opportunities by asking questions.

Health and Wellness

Challenges presented by university studies and life can result in a lack of attention to mental health, triggering anxiety, depression, and other problems. UC Davis offers various forms of support for students in addition to academic care. If you, or anybody you know, could benefit from mental health care, please refer to the following campus resources.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Location: North Hall Phone Number: (530) 752-2349

Urgent Care

Location: Student Health and Wellness Center

24-Hour Advice Nurse

Phone Number: (530) 752-2349